Should we have shirts this year? If so how would you liketodoit

vote for ideas you like the best..... Everyone will be responsible for paying for thier shirts

No shirts this year.
Yes , buy our own shirt and do the iron ons yourself
Yes, have everyones shirts printed at a proffessional printer
Yes, have 1 person do everyones iron ons.
Yes, everyone wheres the same plain color shirt.
Yes, buy your own and get them pro printed all the same
Yes, pro painted steelers design with Mathews across back
Yes, Pro painted Mathews Family Reunion 2010 on front with date
Yes, Iron on Mathews Family Reunion 2010 on front with date
Yes, Iron on steelers design with Mathews across back

Total Votes:8
Total Voters:6

This poll is closed

This poll was created by Theresa
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